October 30, 2014

My first post here !!

Hello Ladies !

I have been reading and looking at plenty of makeup related blogs. One common problem I encountered is the compatibility of product usage on my dark Indian skin tone. It's actually hard to decide before buying especially online and on stores to save time on trying out. Right from eye liner to perfumes not to mention so much more.

I am not a genius in makeup more or less a beginner and still experimenting. I would like to share my thoughts on the products I buy and how it suits my skin with pictures as much as I can. I find very little time but I hope it becomes useful for any women like me in lookout for product swatches and outcome of it on our face.

Well.. let me get the blog layout ready. I have some perfumes, lipsticks, eye shadows and many more to picture and start writing.

I would love to hear from you and actively participate and discussion. All inputs would be useful to me too :)

Good luck and happy makeup !!! 

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